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The Sydney Bus Museum, located in Leichhardt, is pleased to be able to offer schools Museum tours highlighting Transport History, Science and Technology.


What a visit involves:

  • Guided Tour

  • Bus Ride

  • Opportunity for lunch or recess in a nearby park (or inside in wet weather)


​While the Museum will appeal to students of all ages, it is particularly suited to children in Stage 1 – Years 1 and 2.  The tour of the Museum for these students incorporates four of the Stage 1 history outcomes, covering change and continuity over time, significant sites in the community and the effect of change on people’s lives.


NSW Education Curriculum Links: History

HT1-1:  Communicates an understanding of change and continuity in family life using appropriate historical terms

HT1-2:  Identifies and describes significant people, events, places and sites in the local community over time

HT1-3:  Describes the effects of changing technology on people’s lives over time

HT1-4:  Demonstrates skills of historical inquiry and communication.


Guided Tour

Guided tours are led by trained Museum volunteers who provide informative tailored tours of the Museum and it's collection of over 80 vehicles from Sydney and abroad, including the sectioned bus engine and chassis showing the mechanical parts, which make a bus work. 


The changing design of buses over the years is apparent even to young students - from the old double deckers with the engine at the front and a door at the back, to newer single deck buses with a door at the front and engine right up the back. 


The Museum is a hands-on experience with students able to walk through many of the buses, like the 'brown-out' double-decker bus from World War II. 


Local history can also be covered for schools in the Inner West area. With the Museum housed in the former Leichhardt Tram Depot, the story of both trams and buses bringing the City closer to its residents can be told. 


Bus Ride​

All tours include a short double deck bus ride.   While such a ride is always popular, it allows students to compare this experience with one in a modern bus.  The comparison is particularly effective if the group has arrived by modern charter bus.



Recess and lunch can be taken at the Museum by prior arrangement or at the nearby Pioneers Memorial Park. 


Our schools rate is $8 per child, teachers are free, one accompanying parent permitted for 10 children. 


Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan

A School Excursion Risk Assessment and Management Plan is available here.


For further enquiries and to book please call (02) 9572 6789 or our Group Bookings Manager Josh on 0488 982 097, alternatively email ​


We can also accommodate Vacation Care visits during the school holidays.


The Sydney Bus Museum is wheelchair accessible, however owing to their historic nature the buses themselves are not. 


Attention charter bus operators:

The Museum is of limited parking and turning space, so unfortunately we are unable to accommodate articulated and 3 axle buses. Smaller buses can be parked on site, however could you please call the Museum on 9572 6789 before arrival to confirm. 


© 2024 Sydney Bus Museum Limited


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